Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Quick Life Update

I was going to work on my IMM post last night/this morning, but I actually got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday afternoon, and since then have been slowly recovering. I'm not inclined to be online a lot as a result (something about the computer screen just makes me incredibly drowsy), so if you don't see any posts, emails, or tweets from me in the next few days or so, that's where I am! Hope everyone has a good week, and I am going back to reading lots and lots of manga/books now... :)


  1. Ouch, Steph. Are you okay? I haven't got any wisdom teeth, but am dreading them arriving.

    Wishing you a speedy and book-filled recovery :)

  2. Oh I hope you feel better! Take your time. But we'll miss you.

  3. Ouch, sounds painful. Hope you feel up to the weather again soon! :)

  4. I hope you feel better soon! I ate a lot of ice pops and drank a lot of Ovaltine while I was recovering from getting my wisdom teeth out (I had all four out at once too.) I hope you make a speedy recovery!

  5. Ouch, I could empathize. I got mine removed a few months ago I felt so dizzy and just blah, from the pain killers. Hope you feel better soon. :D

  6. Oh noes, I might be getting mine out this summer--eeek! Feel better, Steph!!!

  7. Ugh that sounds so painful! The dentist is one of my top fears =/

    Feel better!

  8. Ouch, I hope you feel better soon Steph. I praying my dentist never decides I need my wisdom teeth out cos I've got 3 coming in and I'd really hate to have them yanked out.

    Chillax, read and feel better soon :)

  9. Wow, you had them all taken out at the same time?! I had mine taken out one at a time. But then again, I'm a huge baby when it comes to this kind of thing. Hope you feel better soon! Eat lots of ice cream. :)

  10. Oh dear, I hope you get better soon! I'm dreading getting my wisdom teeth removed after seeing what my older sisters had to endure *shudder*

    Anyhow, feel better :) *heaps well wishes and chocolately thoughts on you*

  11. Feel better!! I know how miserable that can be.

  12. I know the feeling! Argh. Hope you feel better soon and back to blogging in no time. =)

  13. I hope you start feeling better soon! I had mine taken out when I was about 23? Not fun.


  14. Ooh!
    All for at once will not be an easy recovery...
    Anyway, I hope you feel better soon!
    Love, Hannah

  15. You poor thing! I had mine out two at a time, so I can imagine how much worse you feel having all four out in one go. I drank lots of milkshake to recover, try that - I'm not sure if it really helped, but it's yummy either way. :)

  16. Oh dear, I know how awful that feels! I got mine out last year, and then had to get 4 premolars out this year for my braces. You feel miserable for days after! You'd think studying to be a dentist would make me less scared of them, but nope I pretty much wouldn't open my mouth when they came at me with the pliers!

  17. Ouch! Get well soon and happy reading in the mean time!x

  18. Ouchies...hope your gums get better soon!!

  19. I hope your better soon!!! I had no problems when I had mine taken out so I can't even imagaine how you feel right now. Eat lots of ice cream and read a lot! I hope your better soon.


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