Sunday, September 13, 2009

In My Mailbox (17)

In My Mailbox was inspired by Alea and memefied by Kristi. Check out Kristi's blog to see what others got in terms of books this week!

I had a pretty good past two weeks! Lots of books I'm excited about. Will have a general picture today because hunting for individual covers and synopses is rather time-consuming, buuut this one's respectably pretty. I had to play with the exposure a bit so that there wouldn't be an ugly flash glare on the library books.

For review:
  • Skulduggery Pleasant, Book 2: Playing With Fire by Derek Landy - I think they realized they forgot to send me the second book when books one and three came two weeks ago, or the second one just came a little late? So thank you for that, John Michael!
  • When the Whistle Blows by Fran Slayton - thank you, Fran!
  • The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall (Bloomsbury / Sept. 29, 2009) - I'm reading this now and it's quite good!
  • Pastworld by Ian Beck (Bloomsbury / Oct. 27, 2009)
  • Forest Born by Shannon Hale (Bloomsbury / Sept. 15, 2009)
  • Lady Macbeth's Daughter by Lisa Klein (Bloomsbury / Oct. 13, 2009)
  • The Tear Collector by Patrick Jones (Walker Books / Sept. 1, 2009)
The Bloomsbury books are all thanks to the fantastic Anna!

  • Geektastic by multiple authors (not pictured)
  • Sea Glass by Maria V. Snyder - Maria inscribed the inside with an awesome sea-blue pen, and since I love Maria's books, this one is going to be one of my most treasured possessions! Yayyy! *hugs*

  • Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - a big, fat fantasy for long vacations away from the computer. :)
  • Amor and Summer Secrets by Diana Rodriguez Wallach
  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson
  • The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks - I love the first page when I picked it up. Now to find the time to read the rest of it...
  • The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke - comes with Yan's blessings
  • Gifts by Ursula K. LeGuin
  • Jumping Off Swings by Jo Knowles

  • Ballads of Suburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert - I have a valuable signed and personalized ARC that I'm never giving up, but I wanted to support Stephanie, AND own an actual copy with the lovely cover.
  • Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey - YAY! Of course.
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - Again, of course, haha. I finished it, enjoyed it. You might notice that in the picture that's only the dust jacket. The book is on loan to a friend of mine who's also a Hunger Games fan... :)

Borrowed from the library:
  • Libyrinth by Pearl North
  • Love Is the Higher Law by David Levithan
  • Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
  • Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson - I LOVED THIS BOOK. LOVE. LOVE. LOVED. How many different ways can I say that?? Well, you should pick it up. Also, I'm never disregarding any book Meg Cabot recommends and/or blurbs as long as I live. Seriously, the woman's got amazing taste.

I'm super excited to read all of the books I got these past two weeks, and am looking forward to seeing what you guys got!


  1. awesome books! I hope you like them!

  2. Jessica's Guide and Catching Fire are so amazing! Enjoy your books!

  3. Great haul of books. Or truckload of books. :)
    You got some really good ones, I'm a little bit jealous. :)
    Happy Reading.

  4. You got a lot of great books. Enjoy! :)

  5. Oooh, you got The Waking: Dreams of the Dead. I'm so excited about that one! Pastworld and The Tear Collector sound great too. Hope you enjoy them all.

  6. I've been wanting to read Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side for so long! And Catching Fire! Hope you enjoy your books!

  7. Lots of great books. I'm not even going to start listing all the ones I want to read because that practically all of them. Hope you enjoy and Happy Reading!

  8. Lots of Bloomsbury books that used to be in your wishlist, isn't that great? Enjoy all of these~!

  9. Great books!! I loved Ballads of Suburbia!! And I really want to read The Tear Collector! ENJOY!! ;D

  10. WOW! What an awesome pile of great books you've got this week Steph Su! No new books in my mailbox this week(that's really a good thing, my shelves has many unread books..).

  11. Oooh, I see Alba's comment! :D

    anyways xD Lady Macbeth's Daughter! I read Lisa Klein's Ophelia and it was super :) The cover of Sea Glass is so pretty x)

    I can't wait for your review on Libyrinth! I haven't seen it on many blogs and I've been debating on whether I should get it or not...

    A Meg Cabot recommend? My friend follows her blog almost religiously! No wonder she told me to get Psych!

    Enjoy your haul!

  12. That is a great haul! I just finished Psych Major Syndrome as well and thought it was really cute. Also thank goodness for a) YA books set in college and b) that deal with 'old' virgins who aren't celibate because of religious reasons!

    I have to admit, though, I wanted to hear more about her kooky parents!

  13. Whoa, that's a lot of books xD

  14. Wow Im jealous of soooo many books. Soooo dying to get my hands on Lady Macbeth's Daughter-I absolutely loved Lisa Klein's Ophelia!

  15. great books! I really want the tear collector, enjoy ur books :D

  16. ::mind boggles::

    That is a ton of books!

    And I loved "Psych Major Syndrome" too! Like, want to go back and re-read even though I read it last week loved.

    Meg Cabot does have fabulous taste.

    Happy reading!

  17. I just wanted to let you know that I nominted you for an award, here at my blog:

  18. Your poor postman, his back must be aching right about now! Can't wait to read one of your awesome reviews on all of these lovelies!

  19. amazing, can't wait to hear what you think !

    ps: did you review the vampire diaries yet ? watching the show but won't get the book 'till I see what you think.

  20. Nice haul! I'm going to check out Libyrinth. Happy reading!

  21. As you can probably guess I'm excited about Libyrith. And being a psych major myself I have to read Psych Major Syndrome. LOTS of good uns here!

  22. Forest Born! I'd forgotten that was coming out soon. Must get myself a copy!

  23. Aw, I see my book in there! I hope you enjoy it!


  24. wowzers! awesome book week! lots of great books! i just realized i wasn't following you! #kristifail! i am now!

  25. Steph, that is so sweet of you to buy my book to support me even though you have the ARC. It really means a lot to me. If you'd like I'll send you a signed bookplate so your official version with the cover can be signed too. Lemme know. Drop me an email :)

  26. I've wanted to try Diana Gabaldon for some time now...but frankly I'm scared as hell to read her books. They intimidate me lol But I keep coming back to them. I might pick up Outlander someday soon =)

    I must know what you think of it when you get the chance to read it


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